Wednesday, March 18, 2015

5 Ways to Add More Laughter to Your Life

   I have heard so many times in my life that laughter is the best medicine and the older I get, the more I believe that to be true.  As a kid, I laughed a lot more and with good reason, I didn't have any worries.  At least, not the "adult worries" we all face when we have responsibilities like paying the bills and raising the kids, but for me, having a child is what reminded me that laughter is important.  Sure there have been moments, many moments, that have tried me as a parent, but through it all, my son's laughter and comical personality have constantly reminded me of the importance of laughter in my life.  Laughter is one of the best ways to fight stress, conflict, and pain in our life. There have been so many studies done to prove that laughter is one of the best things you can do to improve your overall health.  So what are you waiting for?  Here are some great ways to add a little more humor into your life:
1.  Get goofy with your kids.
How many times have you watched your kids being silly and laughed?  Try joining in the fun the next time the moment presents itself.  You will be amazed at how good it feels to let it go and just be silly!  Not only that, but you will be strengthening your relationship with your children as well by making a memory that will create a positive bond that will last for the rest of your lives.
2.  Count your blessings.
Sit down and literally make a list of all the great and wonderful things in your life.  This simple act will begin the process of opening your mind to more positive thoughts and therefore, start you on the journey towards more joy in your life, which opens the door to more humor in your life.
3.  Smile.
A smile is the beginning of laughter.  The more you practice smiling, the more you open the door to the possibility of laughter.  Also, the act of smiling actually releases tension in your face which helps you to relax more as well. 
4.  Don't take yourself too seriously.
This is a trap I fall into every time and I am not sure why I do it, but learning to NOT take yourself so seriously in life will go a long way to opening the door to laughter.  Try looking for the humor in bad situations and keeping things in perspective.  Many things are beyond our control in this life, so it is unproductive and unhealthy to try to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.
5.  Create stress free zones.
Stress is deadly and definitely a "deal breaker" when it comes to laughter.  I have dealt with this issue for a while in my life.  I had to work hard at creating stress free zones in my home so I could enjoy my life more.  Life is just too short for stress and sometimes we don't realize how much life stress is destroying.  Start by finding a quiet moment and reflect on things in your life.  If stress is stealing your joy, then work hard to find those things that de-stress you.  
   By making some changes in your life, you can begin to add more laughter in your life.  People who learn how to incorporate more laughter into their life, find their life more enjoyable and when problems arise, they are able to keep things in perspective better and find a solution much faster!  
Andre'  =D    

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